Below you can download or view a PDF copy of our submission to the Legal and Social Issues Committee’s Inquiry into Victoria’s Criminal Justice System which took place during the second half of 2021. Our submission was made on the 22 September 2021, and the reporting date for this inquiry has been extended from 28 February 2022 to 24 March 2022. Once the report is tabled in Parliament, an electronic copy will be available for download from their website.
Our submission contains just a few accounts of the many dehumanising and harmful experiences of people who have been placed into the Victorian Criminal Justice System, and contains the data outlining the impacts of incarceration in Victoria, which underpin our calls for more public housing and not more prison beds. Please click this link to head to our media page and find a number of events, podcasts and radio appearances that feature members of the Homes Not Prisons Steering Group discussing their experiences of incarceration and their demands for change to prisons and everything associated with them.
Link to submission: